On the Wii U the emulators you have will load roms from the Wii U's SD card I have a 64gb SD card in my Wii U for homebrew and emulators Depending on the emulator you might also be able to load roms from a FAT32 formatted USB drive, RetroArch is supposed to support this on the Wii U, however an open issue suggests it might not work Home Forums PC, Console & Handheld Discussions Nintendo Wii U Discussions Wii U Tutorials 552 Browser with 551 vulnerability CFW required By Creatable , IOSU OTP (551 only) Allows you to obtain your Wii U's unique OPT via an IOSU exploit, this could be useful in the future for Custom Firmware or better hacks than we currently have (Photograph your TV to save this, and do not share with anyone else)

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An people are scared, worried, and even a bit shocked, but the question is what did they do or fix? Dies ist ein BrowserExploit für die WiiUFirmware 552, 553, 554 und 555 Packe den Homebrew Launcher auf deine SDKarte, sowie die payloadelf in "SD//wiiu/" und rufe den Link im WiiUBrowser auf ANLEITUNG Lade den Wii U Homebrew Launcher herunter und packe ihn auf deine Wii U SDKarte Diese muss in FAT32 formatiert seinHomebrew Launcher finds & allows you to boot different Wii U homebrew apps like Loadiine or nnupatcher What is loadiine?
This is what Nintendo has said it has under the hood Version 552 U WiiU L'exploit Webkit plus stable de la 552 a la 554 Le développeur orboditilt vient d'améliorer l'exploit JSTypeHax pour les firmwares 552 à la 554 de la Nintendo Wii U la dernière mise à jour de la faille a été réaliser le 13 janvier 19 il a donc été amélioré, et donc est désormais beaucoup plus fiable Wii U OS Version 552 Is Now Live Now this was unexpected by Mitch Vogel Tue 18th Jul 17;
Haxchi is basically installing a local exploit point over a DS game that you have to buy Mocha on 552 is only possible by running the web exploit every time Since the web exploit has such a low success rate, I think most are opting for Haxchi so they don't have to sit restarting their systems every time they want to do anythingIsn't that firmware released 3 weeks ago?Dies ist eine Custom Firmware für die WiiUFirmware 551Sie deaktiviert alle SignaturprüfungenDies erlaubt zB das Installieren und Starten von CustomKanälenDes Weiteren wird auch der Wupserver aktiviert Wenn du automatisch in die CFW starten möchtest, sieh dir mal Coldboot Haxchi an

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orboditilt hat JSTypeHax für die WiUFirmware 552 und 553 verbessertDer vorherige Exploit funktionierte nur sehr unzuverlässig und nach mehrere Anläufen – dieser Exploit funktionierte bei uns direkt beim ersten Mal! Haxchi is more reliable and always work %100 since is just launching a installed title of a modded NDS game from eshop for enable CFW instead of loading the web browser, and potentially failing, prolonging the processIn 552 is even more rare to get HBL working this way年最新版 5 5 2向け Cfw Hbl Haxchi改造をwii Uに導入 インストールする設定 やり方と機能 エミュやバックアップ起動も Pcゲーマーのレビューとエミュレーター For more information and source, see on this link https

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How to Install Haxchi on Firmware 552 Get Custom Firmware on WiiU's that Automatically Updated to 552 Installing Haxchi lets you boot Homebrew & CustomThis is what Nintendo has said it has under the hood Version 552 U Released July 17th, 17 Improvements to Read More »Je vous propose aujourd'hui de vous expliquer comment installer un custom firmware sur WiiU en 552 (la dernière version actuelle) Il vous permettra d'inst

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The day has come, at last WiiU 552 update is live! Am 18 Juli 17 erschien das 552Update für die Wii U – hier ein Übersichtsbeitrag, was das für HomebrewNutzer heißt und was zu tun ist Am 04 September 18 erschien das Update 553, änderte aber nichts Am 25 Juni 19 erschien das Update 554 und änderte wieder nichts Am 02 März 21 erschien das Update 555 und änderte gar nichts JumpCallPop hat einen neuen BrowserExploit für die aktuelle WiiUFirmware 552 veröffentlicht DOWNLOAD Das Ganze läuft wieder über den Browser Wir empfehlen euch aber vorher, ein kompatibles HaxchiSpiel zu kaufen, damit ihr das Ganze nur einmal machen müsst (und packt den Installer gleich mit auf die SD) Downloadet den Homebrew Launcher auf eure SD

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It's now possible to permanently install the Homebrew Launcher to the Wii U's Home Screen, now you have a working Homebrew entry point you can now follow this tutorial Wii U Permanent Homebrew Channel / Launcher Install the end result been you no longer have to launch Homebrew from the Wii U's web browser The added benefit is the boot rate Download Mocha CFW and unzip it Add the "Mocha" folder to the "apps" folder in the "wiiu" folder located in the root of your SD Card Make a backup of your SD Card on the computer Place the SD Card back into your Wii U Turn on the Wii U and Navigate to the Internet Browser and go to this URL, wwwloadiineovhOn your WiiU's browser, open a single tab with this gate showing up Exit to the main menu without closing the tab, launch MiiMaker and exit it right away Now everytime you'll be launching your browser, the automation will take relay and remember the program you have choosen to

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The Wii U 552 system update was released on This was released in Europe, North America & Japan Changelog Official USA changelog Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been madePreparing for homebrew Downloading homebrew Developing homebrew;@iphys Custom Firmware has already answered your call as long as you didn't update to 552 You

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It also happened with 552 dropping out of nowhere, so you can never be safe enough What is Homebrew Launcher? Exploit très capricieux en 552, il faut souvent réessayer plusieurs fois pour que celui ci fonctionne, sachant que pour installer du contenu CFW il vous faut accéder à l'hbl (homebrew launcher) une première fois, lancer mocha, puis réacceder à l'hbl en repassant par le navigateur pour installer votre jeu ou autre, donc 2 succèsSysnand 551 and emunand 552 This is what I did Let the wii u download the update files Copy all the 4 folders to SD card To be able to browse this files in sysnand you need to launch mocha cfw with rednand disabled Enter mocha cfw with rednand Use the first version of wup installer Install each folder (title) at a time Success!

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I have coldboot, it is ok to update using system settings since it "has" the version?Here I update from 551 to 552 without problems and not losing Haxchi aquí actualizo desde 551 a 552 sin problemas y sin perder HaxchiAn people are scared, worried, and even a bit shocked, but the question is what did they do or fix?

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Loadiine gx2 is a backup loader for the Wii U You can play digital backups of your games through your SD card The day has come, at last WiiU 552 update is live!There are two methods for using Wii U custom firmware The first method is to run a browser exploit through the browser which will patch the system Unfortunately, the nature of this exploit is that this must be run after every reboot Additionally, the browser exploit compatible with 552 is very unreliable making this an even less usable option

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hacker sa wii u fw 551, 552, 553 et 554 haxchi le tuto complet est dans la video qui suit, mais surtout, attention bien lire ceci avant !!!Wenn ihr also eine Wii U auf 552 oder 553 habt und Haxchi noch nicht installiert habt (was wir dringend empfehlen), so müsst ihr nur die payloadelfThis will be my own take on a 552 guide, just a quick write up to help users get setup with Haxchi This is basically how you start off hacking the Wii U if you're on 552, this will add a Homebrew Launcher entrypoint that you can use, now that the browser exploit was patched in the update Hope this helps out!

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Install the Homebrew Launcher on your Wii U console by following the homebrew setup tutorial Browse the homebrew directory or use the Homebrew App Store, which allows you to install directly from your Wii U over WiFi Start developing homebrew for Wii U by downloading devkitPPC and reading theBy the way, is it possible to boot the system normally, without the coldboot, so I can the see hakchii channel and the normal 552 version on system settings?CFW (Custom firmware) is a set of patches that allows the user to play things like virtual console games or out of region titles, as well as Homebrew Launcher Channel and Wup Installer GX2 Channel Normally you'd have to launch CFW manually to use this kind of content and that's completely fine to do every time

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Wii / Wii U WiiU L'exploit Webkit plus stable de la 552 a la 554 Le développeur orboditilt vient d'améliorer l'exploit JSTypeHax pour les firmwares 552 à la 554 de la Nintendo Wii U la dernière mise à jour de la faille a été réaliser le 13 janvier 19 il a donc été amélioré, et donc est désormais beaucoup plus fiableMon environnement j'ai une WiiU en 551 ou 552, avec CBHC dessus (j'avais pris Dr Kawashima legit) Les étapes que je dois faire 1 Télécharger la 554 en online via le menu 2 Relancer homebrew launcher vu qu'il semble falloir réinstaller CBHCThis guide will show you how to install Mocha CFW on your Wii U This will unlock the greater potential of the console and allow you enjoy benefits such as playing game backups, emulators, importing save files and more Mocha CFW does not require any eShop access or virtual console games However, the Mocha custom firmware patches are not

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